05 June, 2012

Vintage style aprons for Mother's Day

Well, as mentioned in a previous post, sometimes life is not ideal... hence my lack of posting over the last few months. Anyway, I have been doing a little bit of creating and today I want to show you one of my projects that I am particularly excited about. This project has been in the works for about 8 months and was finally completed the day before Mother's day (nothing like a deadline hey?!?! ;)

My mother in law loves has 6 grandchildren, 2 boys and 4 girls. She is really involved with them all and loves to cook. So I decided to make her a set of aprons, 1 for her and 1 for each of her grand-daughters (sorry for all you feminists out there, I didn't make any for the boys... when you see the amount of work in each apron you'll understand why ;)

I wanted to make each of the girls aprons slightly different so was uncontrollably excited when I found a panel of fabric which depicted different girls baking different goodies. This panel became my inspiration for the project.

Anyway... here they are...

All 5 aprons... looking pretty...

Here's an individual pic of one of the girls' aprons. All the aprons are lined. The lining fabric is the same as the pocket fabric.
Here's Grandma's apron. Her lining fabric is also the same as her pocket fabric. I put the same pics of the girls as I have used on their individual aprons and added their initials for something sentimental.

Ok, onto the finer detail...

Each letter, yep you heard right, EACH letter, has been embroidered around using a blanket stitch (i'm pretty sure it's not called that, but I can't remember the correct name). One of the reasons I took such a long time on these aprons is because my Mother in law taught me to embroider and so I knew that she would LOVE to see my new skill in use.
Here are some close ups of the girls pictures and names...


So there you have it... a project that really truly was a labour of love! It took a really long time, but I am super happy with the result! :) And the great thing, my Mother in law is displaying them in her kitchen! :) :) :)

That's all!


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