01 February, 2012

Crayon Roll For A Special Friend

We've just been to the party of one of Lachie's precious little friends and wanted to make her something special for her birthday. She loves art and craft so I thought I'd go with a crayon roll. I've never made one before and love trying new things. After looking at a few images of crayon rolls I was pretty confident that I could design it myself. It was a reasonably simple project but involved LOTS of precise measuring, so took a lot longer than I originally thought it would.

Anyway, totally worth it... :)

Here it is...

I made a little felt back rose and hot glued it to the elastic for a bit of extra decoration.

Each crayon/pencil has it's own little spot. so precise and organised. ;)
 That's it for today and hopefully I can start sewing for myself now that the January madness is over!! ;)


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