23 May, 2011

Hi and Welcome to 'Plaid'


Welcome to 'Plaid'. Why 'Plaid' you ask?? I LOVE fabric!! I love checks and polka dots and flowers and cotton and silk and fleece and vintage and bright and yellow and pink and... PLAID!!! If I could have a metre of every fabric in the world then I would be a very happy girl! :)

I borrowed a sewing machine from a friend earlier this year to make sure I enjoyed sewing before parting with the cash and buying a machine of my own. I fell in love with all things sewing straight away and bought a machine a few months later.

This is my place to talk about all things crafty. I'm sure there will be some Mummy rants and possibly even a bit of Mummy boasting thrown in from time to time... guess we'll just have to wait and see.

So here goes... :)

Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment. I love hearing feedback on the stuff I make.

Let me introduce my family...

My precious guy Lachie followedby my sweet Adele then there's a pic of me and my wonderful man, Tim. :)

See you soon with some crafty pics... :)